Crew Currency Tracking

Tracking crew currency improves scheduling capabilities as well as reduces the need for unnecessary flights to refresh night currency, instrument currency, etc.

Our solution takes data from your current logbook/flight tracking software as well as training information and offers details on each crew member’s currency expiration on each aircraft they fly. It also offers recommendations on how to extend those currency dates. These recommendations allow schedulers to more efficiently schedule crews to maximize their currency across multiple types. We currently offer the ability to track airplane day and night currency for each type, instrument currency, and EFVS/HUD currency. We take into account alternate night currency when applicable for 142 trained pilots and/or 2+ crew member aircraft. Adaptable to 91 and 135 flight departments and full customization available for any unique scenarios.


Overview of entire department. Updated daily for online viewing and emailed out on a schedule to necessary personnel.


Break down of each crew member’s currency. Offers details on how to extend currencies as well as each expiration date. Updated daily for online viewing and emailed out on a schedule to each crew member.


International Trip Planning